1. Úvodní ustanovení :
These terms and conditions of EuropeLife ltd., (hereinafter referred to as "HR") apply to the use of the services of the internet server https://www.job-partners.eu.

HR further defines and specifies the rights and obligations of the operator of the Internet server (hereinafter referred to as "Job-partners.eu"), which is

63 Londonderry Tower,
SR12LB Sunderland , England,

company number 11614089,

A user is any person who visits Job-partners.eu. A customer is anyone who submits a job offer on Job-partners.eu. All contractual relations between Job-partners.eu and the User are governed by the order and these OPs. In matters not regulated, the contractual relations between Job-partners.eu and the User are governed by generally binding legal regulations, in particular Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code.

Tyto OP jsou vydávány v souladu s ustanovením § 1751 občanského zákoníku. Prodávající si vyhrazuje právo měnit OP nebo stávající nahradit novými. Nové OP budou zveřejněny na webových stránkách prodávajícího  Job-partners.eu před začátkem jejich účinnosti.

The Internet server Job-partners.eu serves to advertise job offers. When using Job-partners.eu, the User is obliged to familiarize himself with the current wording of the HR and is obliged to comply with the obligations arising from them.

2. Služby pro Uživatele :
Job-partners.eu poskytuje prostor pro zveřejňování pracovních nabídek. Nabídky jsou uveřejněny po dobu 30 dní.

Creating an offer and concluding a contract
By entering an offer (advertisement) on the part of the Customer, an order is created, which represents a proposal for concluding a contract with Job-partners.eu. This proposal is subject to approval by Job-partners.eu.

Job-partners.eu reserves the right to modify or delete submitted offers without giving a reason. Adjustments made by Job-partners.eu may include, in particular, the deletion of links and contact information in the offers and adjustment so that the selected categories and working hours correspond as best as possible with the job offered.

The following rules apply to the content of the Customer's entered offer:

  • it is forbidden to use capital letters in the title;
  • title and text must be gender, race, etc. neutral to meet the requirements of the anti-discrimination law;
  • modifications to the source code are prohibited - all modifications to the layout and appearance of the ad must be approved and carried out by Job-partners.eu;
  • it is not allowed to insert external links and contact information into the offers;
  • it is not possible to modify the wording of the offer during its validity period

Furthermore, Job-partners.eu is not obliged to publish a position advertisement especially if:

  • The services should contain information that is contrary to the legal order of the European Union, general ethical rules, public order or good morals,
  • The services should contain information with sexual undertones, such as job offers or part-time jobs that relate to sexual services,
  • The customer conditions the mediation of the work by paying a handling fee,
  • Advertisements offering a job position with elements of the multi-level marketing system (MLM),
  • Advertisements contain general and commercial information about the Customer's products (e.g. "we offer au pairs", "let the Internet earn money" or "I will do it for a reward", etc.), which have the nature of advertising,
  • Information is presented in violation of customs and regulations for filling in entry forms (e.g. presenting asterisks, underscores and other special characters in the position name),
  • Information or biographies about third parties are presented without their knowledge,
  • The information may damage the good name or reputation of Job-partners.eu or other natural or legal persons,
  • The presentation contains a direct Internet link to the Customer's job positions or links to forms requiring registration of persons and presentation of advertising messages that invite persons to register.

To accept the Customer's proposal, and thus the creation of a contractual relationship with Job-partners.eu , occurs upon approval of the submitted offer by Job-partners.eu. After approval, the offer is published for a period of 1 month.

When publishing Offers, the Customer is obliged to provide true and up-to-date information.

Users are allowed to respond to published Offers without registration.

Job-partners.eu does not guarantee uninterrupted access to Job-partners.eu, , or the integrity and security of Job-partners.eu. Job-partners.eu is not responsible for damage caused to the User or Customer when accessing and using Job-partners.eu, damage caused by service interruption, Job-partners.eu failure, computer viruses, damage due to loss of data, profit, unauthorized access to transmissions and User data.

By clicking on some links on the Job-partners.eu website, you may leave the Job-partners.eu website and be redirected to the websites of third parties.

Job-partners.eu reserves the right to limit or terminate the Customer / User's access to the Job-partners.eu portal at any time.

3. Náhrada újmy :
In case of defective performance by Job-partners.eu, the Parties agree that Job-partners.eu:
will provide compensation to the Customer by providing other Services of an equivalent value, or will provide other alternative performance as agreed by the Parties.

Job-partners.eu is not responsible for damage caused by force majeure or malfunctions outside the technical equipment of Job-partners.eu. "Force majeure" means a temporary or permanent extraordinary, unforeseeable and insurmountable obstacle arising independently of the will of Job-partners.eu. The liability of Job-partners.eu for damage caused by the technical and software equipment of Job-partners.eu in connection with the services provided is limited to the amount paid by the Customer for the Services based on the concluded Agreement.

4. Závěrečná ustanovení :
These HR apply in the wording stated on the Job-partners.eu website

Unless otherwise stated in these HR, an act performed by the contractual party in the form of registered mail, data message or e-mail is also considered a written act. In the case of a written act in the form of an e-mail message, the mandatory requirement of which is the signature of the acting person according to these HRs, the written act is duly performed if the e-mail message contains an electronic signature identifying the acting person or a scan of a document containing such a handwritten written act by the signature of the acting person.

Out-of-court dispute resolution is the responsibility of the Czech Trade Inspection, with registered office at Štěpánská 567/15, 120 00 Prague 2, ID number: 000 20 869, internet address: http://www.coi.cz.

5. Pro uchazeče o zaměstnání :

Každý uchazeč, který chce využívat služby, je povinen se zaregistrovat na našich webových stránkách www.job-partners.eu

Při registraci je vyžadováno úplné přijetí pravidel.

Každý, kdo nastoupí do práce přes job-partners.eu, bude zaměstnán u cílové společnosti.
Jde o společnosti působící přímo na holandském nebo anglickém trhu.

Job-Partners odpovídá pouze za navázání spolupráce mezi kandidátem a zaměstnavatelem.

Pracovní smlouva se podepisuje přímo na místě v kanceláři zaměstnavatele.

Každý, kdo začíná pracovat přes rekrutace od Job-Partners , EuropeLife LTD nebo Fiodor Investment Group , je osvobozen od administrativních nákladů pod podminkou, že bude pracovat minimálně 3 měsíce ve společnosti nebo agentuře, do které byl proveden rekrutacni proces.

In case of non-compliance with the 3-month deadline, they are required to pay administrative costs of €200

Payment must be made within 14 days from the date of completion of the work or, if boarding is confirmed and the candidate does not arrive at the specified address within the specified time.

Každý kandidat jako zajištění v případě vyhýbáni se od platby stanovene smlouvou (registrace je uzavřenim smlouvy) podepiše směnku bez protestu.

Všechny osoby zaměstnané přímo u Job-Partners mají smlouvu se společností EuropeLife LTD, Job-Partners s.r.o. nebo Fiodor Investment Group.


Ověřené nabídky práce

20 €

Secure bank account and postal address in England or the Netherlands (Holland):

(Bailiff, enforcement does not have access to this account)

50 €

Meeting at the Gemeente to obtain a BSN-nummer

200 €

Recruitment Services:

This service will lead to the candidate entering employment.

150 € *

Navazování spolupráce , získávání zakázek pro OSVC , A1

Initial fee €100 + €1 for each hour worked

Assistance in obtaining residence status in England

settled or pre-settled status.

500 €*

* V případě nedodržení 3 měsíční lhůty , je povinny uhradit administrativní náklady.

Platební povinnost je do 14 dnů od dne dokončení prací nebo, pokud je potvrzeno nastup a kandidat nenastoupi na určenou adresu v urcenem terminu.

K zajištění pohledávky každý kandidát podepíše Směnku bez protestu ve výši poplatku za službu včetně smluvní pokutě.

7. Bankovní spojení :

All payments will be made to the bank account

63 Londonderry Tower,
SR12LB Sunderland , England,

IBAN : GB55CLYD82613740590428


Borrower and Black List

V případě neuhrazení dlužné částky souhlasí každá osoba se zařazením na náš oficiální seznam dlužníků spolu se všemi osobními údaji a svou podobiznou ( fotografi ) .

This profile will remain visible until the outstanding amount is paid in full.

In the case of cooperation with debt collection companies, the debt will be transferred with all data.

By accepting the rules upon registration, each person agrees and confirms each point of the rules.

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